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Bypass Purify Night Tea

Bypass Purify Night Tea Apple Benefit
Complete intestinal purification without harming the body.
Purifies the blood and intestinal system.
Intestinal mobility that fights constipation.
Purifies the intestinal system at night.
Nocturnal oxidation of accumulated fat.
Ingredients: Tejocote, Cassia, Canary seed, India Lotus, Artichoke
12 sachets
Bypass Purify Night Te
Depuración intestinal completa sin dañar al organismo.
Purifica el sistema sanguíneo e intestinal.
Movilidad intstinal que combate el estreñimiento.
Purifica el sistema intestinal por la noche.
Oxidación nocturna de grasa acumulada.
Ingredientes: Tejocote, Cassia, Alpiste, India Lotus, Alcachofa
12 sobres
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