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Pina Intense Pills Apple Benefit
Piña Intense Pills By Apple Benefit
Eliminate constipation
Speeds up metabolism
Relieves a bulging belly
Thermogenic effect
Ingredients: Pineapple, Cinnamon, Tlanchalagua, Ginger and Oolong.
Suggested Use: Take 2 tablets daily before bedtime.
Tablets: 60
Piña Intense
Elimina el estreñimiento
Acelera el metabolismo
Alivia el vientre abultado
Efecto termogénico
Ingredientes: Piña, Canela, Tlanchalagua, Jengibre y Oolong.
Sugerencia de Uso: Tomar 2 comprimidos antes de dormir diariamente.
Comprimidos: 60
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